Selective contract BKK-VBU
Patients of the health insurance company BKK-VBU can start therapy immediately without long waiting times.
Funding by the youth welfare office (KJHG-Therapie)
I have a carrier contract with the Berlin Senate that entitles me to carry out and bill for psychotherapies within the framework of the Child and Youth Protection Act.
KJHG therapies in the context of youth welfare according to SGB VIII (Child and Youth Welfare Act) can be used as "integration aid" (according to Section 35a SGB VIII) or "education help" (according to Section 27, Paragraph 3 SGB VIII) at the responsible youth welfare office (residential district) be requested.
The need for therapy is determined by one of the following specialist services: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service (KJPD), School Psychology Service (SchPD) or Education and Family Advice Center (EFB).
The costs are covered by the youth welfare office.
Private health insurance / allowance
For psychotherapy and crisis intervention, the costs are usually covered by private health insurances and aid agencies.
However, this depends on your individual contracts with the health insurers. Please contact your health insurance company to find out whether and how many psychotherapeutic sessions will be covered.
As a licensed psychological psychotherapist with specialist knowledge of behavioral therapy, I meet the billing requirements.
You will receive invoices from me, which you will send to your insurance company and later get reimbursed by your insurance company. The fee is based on the fee schedule for psychotherapists (GOP). This currently corresponds to € 100.55 per session (50 minutes).
Statutory health insurance
Statutory health insurance companies only reimburse the costs for psychotherapy or crisis intervention with me within the scope of the reimbursement procedure that requires a specific procedure. The number of psychotherapists who can settle accounts directly with the statutory health insurance funds (so-called "contract psychotherapists" with "cash register office") is limited by the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians.
Since the need for psychotherapy is not completely covered by the limited number of contracted therapists, and patients often have to wait very long, Section 13 (3) SGB V (Social Code) allows your health insurance to reimburse the costs of your psychotherapy even in a private practice how I lead them. With the license to practice as a psychological psychotherapist and the entry in the medical register of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Berlin, I have the required qualifications for billing with the statutory health insurance companies.
You can get more information about the cost reimbursement procedure from the advice of the Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists ( ). If you choose this option, I will be happy to advise you on how to apply.
No application process is required here. The sessions are billed privately, with the fee based on the fee schedule for psychotherapists (GOP).
The fee is based on the fee schedule for psychotherapists (GOP). This currently corresponds to € 100.55 per session (50 minutes).